Saturday, January 7, 2012

the woman of brewsters place

in the book it tells 7 different stories about woman and theyre struggles. the story i chose was the first one called mattie michael.  in the beginining of the book she gets pregnant by butch a man who likes to jump from women to women. when matties father found out that she was pregnant he nearly beaten her to death to see who got her pregnant which forced her to move to her own apartment. when she moved she had her son and named him basil. she was never alone when she lived their she shared it with her  friend till the friend moved and she lived on her own. the apartment became dirty and filthy, mattie chose to leave once her son got bit in the face by a rat. once she left she didnt have anywhere to sleep until a women with open arms and a soft heart let mattie live in her house for free.

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