Sunday, June 10, 2012

secret saturdays

The book secret Saturdays is based off of a teenager named Justin who worries about his best friend named Sean. In the beginning of the boom you could tell that Sean and Justin were best friends because of the things they did how they rapped with each other and the vibe from them in reading the book. But later in the book Sean starts changing and this time not only Justin but his other best friend kyle. The main reasons they called the book 'secret saturdays' is based off of Sean sneaking off at 4-5 a.m with his mom kyle and Justin always catch him but when they com front him he lies about where he went. The part of the book that I'm in is when kyle and Justin finally com front him on and ask him why hes lying and all that Sean does is make them seem as the bad person. So far this book is really interesting and in some parts i can relate with past arguments Ive gotten into with my friends/best friends and i cant wait to finish this book and see how everything comes about at the end. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

i heart you, you haunt me by:lisa schroeder

i heart you, you haunt me is about two young lovers named Ava and Jackson. but Jackson dies but his spirit is still in the air and he contacts with Ava, this book is amazing its about two young lovers that love end but it doesn't at the same time. in others eyes if they saw her talking to the air they would've thought that shes crazy but she knows that she hears him even though she could barely feel him and he talks to her even though hes a spirit. ever since he died and they had his funeral she would barely leave her house and her friends and her ex would try and help her but all she wanted to do was be left alone with her ghost of a boyfriend. later in the book since her parents were really worried about her they took her to there beach house and while she was there Ava relaxed and enjoyed the weather, while there she met a guy with blonder hair named lyric and she clicked with him but while she was with him after a while all she thought about was Jackson and how he would've felt seeing her with another guy even though hes dead. I'm still currently reading this book but so far its really fascinating. i would recommend this book to anyone who's into romantic stories because that's exactly what this book is.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

saintiggy by: K.L.Going

saintiggy i feel is about a high school boy who's having a ruff life between getting kicked out of school for something he didn't do and the teachers think that all he does is bad things and smokes, but its not true because Iggy is trying to turn good but every time that happens then he messes up. i feel the moral of the story all together is to never judge a book by its cover and that what they did in the book.since that was Iggy's last chance of staying in the school and he lost it he got kicked out. when he went home all he had was a sleeping drunk father and a runaway and come back in a month mother. he only had one true friend named mo because they met when he had to be apart of a big brother group and therefore mo was his 'big brother' and after that they got closer and became friends. when mo smokes its like hes more understanding and more mellow so Iggy tried to get him to smoke so when he told him the news he wouldn't get mad and freak out, but mo was to sick to do that. once Iggy confesses to what happened and tells the story to mo hes mad but he isn't as mad as Iggy expected. but all together this book was really good and it really caught my eye. i would recommend this book to anyone who really likes drama because this book is full of it.

hw for spring break

one on my two favorite blogs from ms Galangs list was ruby's when she talked about the play 'much ado about nothing' because it was a really good blog. she had a lot of excitement in her blog which showed that she really enjoyed herself at the play. I also like how she compared the different characters in the play and mentioned the one that she liked. another blog that i enjoyed reading was Joyce because of the way that she compared gale and peeta from the movie the hunger games. in the beginning of her blog the way she started it was as if she was talking to you. i like how she said that katniss is in the middle of a love triangle because of the way she compared the love that both peeta and gale had for katniss.
a way that i will work on doing better in my blogs is by updating it more because i don't write a lot of blog entries which is a reason of many that i don't do good on my report card. and looking at ruby's and Joyce Ive noticed that i need to put more details into my blogs and make it so it doesn't sound boring  but yet interesting, overall i feel that i don't put a lot of effort into my work and therefore it doesn't sound as good as i want it to.lastly another thing that i need to work on is make my blog sound like i am talking to the reader face to face as if its a conversation not just tell the story and as i said earlier make it sound boring.

#2. I feel the student shouldn't have written the quote without the quoting sign even though he put it as a slant.another thing that the student could've done better in was capitalization. in some parts he would capitalize words and then go on with the sentence without putting a period.some ways of avoiding plagiarizing is by rearranging the words. don't write the same words it says in a book or on the computer just read a good bit of the paragraph, quote etc and just go and write it in your own words,lastly a way that you could avoid polarizing would be to not only look at that text if you can look in a book and then just rearrange a couple of words and then you have it right there.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

the secret diary of ashley jurgens by: kelly turk and courteny turk

this book overall was really good it was about a teenager named Ashley jurgens who has family issues. between her parents getting a divorce and her having to live with her dad. her sister getting pregnant and keeping the baby and having a secretive wedding. this all stared because her older sister had went to a band camp and had sex there. when she came back she  took a test and found out that she was pregnant. she only told her sister and her no good best friends. it wasn't until later when she had decided to keep the baby and tell her parents. while all of this happens Ashley writes all if this into her diary and this is how the majority of the book is. while this happens Ashley bigger sister finally has the baby and names him under her last name which is jurgens. she decides to name him john jurgens and therefore her and her boyfriend lives in her house. they both get jobs and because of their hours they barely see each other. later on Ashley's parents decide to get a divorce which therefore both Ashley and her older sister decided to see who would stay with. Ashley stayed with her dad and Ashley's big sister decided to stay with her mom. the parents became neighbors but after the mom find a boyfriend a month or two later he asks her to marry him. all together this book was really good and even though i didn't watch the show on abc family i enjoyed this book

romeo and juliet entry

so far after learning the basics about romeo and Juliet i figured all together that at sometimes romeo can be selfish and Juliet can be insecure sometimes.romeo one day was having a conversation with benvolio in the book and was asking him why she was putting her beauty to a waste and not have sex with him.i feel the was bring selfish because basically all hes thinking about is his needs but truthfully maybe its that Juliet just doesn't want to have sex for the rest of her life and that's why she got chassed for that reason. a reason i find that Juliet can sometimes be insecure because she got the Chastity belt where that means that you cant have sex for the rest of your life so shes probably insecure and did that so she wouldn't have sex for th erest of her life. all together even though romeo  and Juliet is hard to read its a really good play once you understand what they say.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

hurt pain and sorrow sonnet for hw

Cindy Nevaeh Collins. If only I was there.
To see you before they announced that you died.
I was no where near to even see or hear.
I felt like I wanted to cry inside.
But I held it in; whenever I come to buffalo I see your ashes
I have hurt and pain to know you’re somewhere better on the bright side.
Up with god I fell like praying for your chances.
I know you’re looking down and it makes me want to cry
But it okay because you’re in a better place which is good on the upside
I would never say goodbye because sooner or later ill be up there too but I just want to say I never stopped caring about you. And your big sister loves you.
Good bye Cindy Nevaeh Collins <3  r.i.p

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

red shot marilyn monroe

Marilyn Monroe was a strong survivor she
lived through all her years as they passed behind her
nearly smothered at 2 didn't know what to do
nearly raped at 6 and that didn't get fixed
lived with orphans while her mom was ill
mental institute is where she practically lived.
Marilyn's dad was nowhere to be found
left her in that dirt that dusty old pile. getting paid
a nickel let me minus by one she would use that penny
to go to church may the lord help her through all the hurt.

Marilyn Monroe was a strong survivor she lived through all her years as they passed behind her

Thursday, February 2, 2012

andy warhol

Andy Warhol was born 1928 in Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania. when he was young he would draw and his mother would help. at around the age of 6 his skin started fading there for he had to stay home where he would fantasize about being a movie star, and sten to te radio occasionally.nady showed alot if interest in art in school and the teacher suggested him going to weekend art classes.

his family wasnt very wealthy but the father saved money so he could go to college for design and illustatration called 'carnegie institute of technology'.while in college he made his own designs by writing his subject in pencil went over it in ink then before the ink dried he would put a picture onto a clean sheet of paper.

after graduating from college he moved to new york city but since he didnt have much money he would show agencies his art work none of them took it till he got lucky and glamour magazine aked him to draw shoes to illustrate a story. andy loved drawing shoes so he was happy that he was able to  draw this. he continued drawing shoes for different ads and made alot of money. he got his own apartment after his dad died and his mother moved in with him. he started drawing an designing greeting cards, record albums and book covers. suns, clouds, raindrops and television weather report was what he mostly what he drew around that time. on his free time he would go to art galleries or even movies

at 58 andy warhol died. theyre still not sure how he died but he was admitted to the new york hospital-cornell medical center where he had to saty over night. he was in contact with several friends that night the next morning the nurse couldnt wake him up. they had the hospital staff try for 45 minutes straight and theyre was no luck. he died.

r.i.p andy warhol 1928-1959

Friday, January 27, 2012

perfect chemistry by: simon elkeles

perfect chemistry is basically an urban twist to romeo and Juliet. Brittany who is white has a sister who disorder and she has to watch her before and after school while she dumped her boyfriend. Alex is a bad boy who suppose to be all Tuff nd is in a gang who is Mexican. they both meet in a chemistry class where they both get partnered up together... at first since they both don't know each other they get at each others throats assuming each life style just by looks but mean while they both barely know anything about each other.after a while they start to get to know each other and soon they start dating, Alex brings Brittany to a wedding from his aunts but when Brittany goes everyone stares and talks about her in Spanish. she feels uncomfortable but Alex just makes sure to defend her because if the fact that shes white dating a Mexican and nobody at the wedding expected that. overall it was a really good book and as i said before an urban twist towards romeo and Juliet

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

cut by Patricia McCormick

This book is about a girl named callie who cuts herself. she like the blood and just the feeling in general but she doesnt make it too deep just enough for her to scream inside. she now has to go to 'sea pines' where she has to stay so she can get help for her cutting herself but when shes over there shes the quietest one out of all the girls she doesnt want anything to do with them and barely wants to be there. its not until she starts to get comfortable that she starts talking with the girls. but not all the time. just to start a conversation short.

thirteen reasons why by: asher jay

this book is about a teenage girl named hannah who commits suicide but before  she does that she makes thirteen tapes recording her voice and she sends them to different people and those that get the recorded tapes were the one of the people that made her kill herself. this one kid named clay got the tapes and has to listen to them to see  what he did in order to get the tapes considering he felt that he was good with her. But throughout the book he has to find out why he got picked as one of the reasons she killed herself.

carters big break by brent crawford

This book is about a teenager who gets to part in a movie but finds out that being an actor isn't as easy as it may seem. he meets a girl who's a famous actor Hillary Idaho where in they re Town is a famous teen actor who everyone may think is fake but they haven't met her to say. after breaking up with his girlfriend Abby and seeing Hillary he thought that it would be great just to find out that she has a drinking problem and looks for alcohol as her medicine or better yet a way to feel better from her problems at her home. while carter watches this all happen he tries to help her and then finds out that the director gives her pills so she can do the movie to the point where she over doses and everyone ( Carter, Matilda her guard and the director) gets scared and worried. when she comes back she goes to rehab and around that time is when carter has to go back to school. from there on he decided to quit o the whole actor thing just because its very stressful and not as easy as it may seem.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

diary of a wimpy kid 'the ugly truth'

i know this may not seem as a book that you should post but this was the last recent book Ive read. in the book so far Greg and rowley aren't talking from the last year when they got into a fight over they re catch name 'zoo-wee-mama' so Greg is starting a new year lonely. his school is having a lock in where they have the kids stay in the school over night and they can t leave. Greg goes theyre but the only thing is that they're isn't that many girls and  he didn't bring anything to play with so all he had was to look in at the ceiling while laying down on his sleeping bag. once that's over the teachers take all the kids and force them to go and play some cheesy games like 'telephone'. it where you say a word and then you travel and whisper in the person next to you ears and they pass it on until they get to the last person and they say aloud what they others said. Greg didn't enjoy that either overall the whole ting was corny and childish. and that's the part I'm up to for the book.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

the woman of brewsters place

in the book it tells 7 different stories about woman and theyre struggles. the story i chose was the first one called mattie michael.  in the beginining of the book she gets pregnant by butch a man who likes to jump from women to women. when matties father found out that she was pregnant he nearly beaten her to death to see who got her pregnant which forced her to move to her own apartment. when she moved she had her son and named him basil. she was never alone when she lived their she shared it with her  friend till the friend moved and she lived on her own. the apartment became dirty and filthy, mattie chose to leave once her son got bit in the face by a rat. once she left she didnt have anywhere to sleep until a women with open arms and a soft heart let mattie live in her house for free.