Tuesday, May 8, 2012

hw for spring break

one on my two favorite blogs from ms Galangs list was ruby's when she talked about the play 'much ado about nothing' because it was a really good blog. she had a lot of excitement in her blog which showed that she really enjoyed herself at the play. I also like how she compared the different characters in the play and mentioned the one that she liked. another blog that i enjoyed reading was Joyce because of the way that she compared gale and peeta from the movie the hunger games. in the beginning of her blog the way she started it was as if she was talking to you. i like how she said that katniss is in the middle of a love triangle because of the way she compared the love that both peeta and gale had for katniss.
a way that i will work on doing better in my blogs is by updating it more because i don't write a lot of blog entries which is a reason of many that i don't do good on my report card. and looking at ruby's and Joyce Ive noticed that i need to put more details into my blogs and make it so it doesn't sound boring  but yet interesting, overall i feel that i don't put a lot of effort into my work and therefore it doesn't sound as good as i want it to.lastly another thing that i need to work on is make my blog sound like i am talking to the reader face to face as if its a conversation not just tell the story and as i said earlier make it sound boring.

#2. I feel the student shouldn't have written the quote without the quoting sign even though he put it as a slant.another thing that the student could've done better in was capitalization. in some parts he would capitalize words and then go on with the sentence without putting a period.some ways of avoiding plagiarizing is by rearranging the words. don't write the same words it says in a book or on the computer just read a good bit of the paragraph, quote etc and just go and write it in your own words,lastly a way that you could avoid polarizing would be to not only look at that text if you can look in a book and then just rearrange a couple of words and then you have it right there.


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